About Us

About Us

Our motto is knowledge & and willpower!

We’re a company that was formed in 2011 as a smaller consultancy firm. The purposes of our existence derived from a noticeable gap in the education field in regards to wider-access to individuals who have the ambition, though, need a cheaper route to achieving success. We are comprised of a team of education experts with experience in the field both regionally and internationally (in and out of the Middle East).

After realizing we can change lives and assure progression through clever means of designing an educational journey, providing never ending support until graduation and ensuring we make prices affordable for parents, individuals and corporations, we set off to make a few partnerships. Having then achieved signage and approvals, through our partners, from all universities in the United Kingdom, various in America, Canada, and Australia, we thought to not only provide access but also unwavering support.

In our efforts to reach our future goal, we took into consideration the student. The challenges foreign students face, were our drivers, with understanding the best fit track for their career goals, searching for the best fit university in their chosen field, applying and ensuring acceptance, completing work tasks without a dedicated tutor, and visa applications and gaining acceptance. There’s a lot more to it, as you can imagine. We’ll leave the process for another page. Overall, as explained on our Services Page where we’ve designed 6 Tracks (educational tracks) to cater to all, whether undergrads, postgrads, or professionals. We believe our model was built on the needs of others and thus will cater to them directly!

Our Mission and Vision Statement:

Our vision is to build an educational consulting brand that will become the number one choice for both individual and corporate clients in the Middle East & Africa.

Our vision reflects our values: integrity, service, excellence, and collaboration.

Our mission is to position our education consulting firm to become the leading brand in the testing and educational support industry in the Middle East & Africa. To also be amongst the top 20 education consulting firms in Saudi Arabia within the first 10 years of operations. Our mission is to also give access to higher education at an affordable price whilst providing a bespoke supportive journey.

What We Do

Online Education Tailored to You


Learn From Anywhere

Our web based modules allow students to learn what they want, when they want and how they want and the modules have been designed to facilitate a much faster, more affordable and engaging way to learn


Expert Instructor

Our expert tutors have years of experience in providing tutorial support and they provide personalized attention and guidance to ensure that students learn effectively and efficiently


24/7 Live Support

With a 24/7 virtual learning platform, personal dashboards and 1 on 1 online tutorials, Austora Tayba provides students with all the support that they need to succeed in developing their professional skill base and achieve a university qualification.


Successfully Trained


Classes Completed


Satisfaction Rate


Students Community



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About Our University

Welcome to Austorah Tayba

Collaboratively simplify user friendly networks after principle centered coordinate effective methods of empowerment distributed niche markets pursue market positioning web-readiness after resource sucking applications.

Undergraduate Education

With flexible courses

Postgraduate Education

Study flexibly online

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